I've decided to make a blog. To be fair, I'm not completely sure why! I think I've got my inspiration from Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter etc. I love both of their blogs (and think Zoe's new blog design is amazing.)
I know for a fact my blog will never be as good as theirs, but I'm just going to write anyway, as it's not always about being popular.
I guess I should share some facts with you.
I love YouTube and most YouTubers (not Sam Pepper hehe.)
Some of my favourites are ThatcherJoe, Caspar Lee, Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Tyler Oakley etc..
I could list them all day but I won't bore you with that. I've actually met a few of them before, but I will talk about that another time.
I spend most of my day watching YouTube and Netflix, messaging my friends and eating. School usually gets in the way of my routine. Urgh. School.
That's all I have to say at the moment, but I will be back soon with another post. See ya!
-Another Girl on a Blog -x-